Throughout history, nearly all cultures have had gods
and goddesses associated with love and marriage. Although a few are
male -- Eros and Cupid come to mind -- most are female, because the
institution of marriage has long been viewed as the domain of women. If
you're doing a working relating to love, or if you wish to honor a
particular deity as part of a marriage ceremony, these are some of the
gods and goddesses associated with the very human emotion of love.
Aphrodite (Greek)
was the Greek goddess of love and sexuality, a job she took very
seriously. She was married to Hephaistos, but also had a multitude of
lovers -- one of her favorites was the warrior god Ares. A festival was
held regularly to honor Aphrodite, appropriately called the Aphrodisiac.
At her temple in Corinth, revelers often paid tribute to Aphrodite by
having rambunctious sex with her priestesses. The temple was later
destroyed by the Romans, and not rebuilt, but fertility rites appear to
have continued in the area. Like many Greek gods, Aphrodite spent a lot
of time meddling in the lives of humans -- particularly their love lives
-- and was instrumental in the cause of the Trojan War.
Cupid (Roman)
In ancient Rome, Cupid was the incarnation of Eros,
the god of lust and desire. Eventually, though, he evolved into the
image we have today of a chubby cherub, flitting about zapping people
with his arrows. In particular, he enjoyed matching people up with odd
partners, and this eventually ended up being his own undoing, when he
fell in love with Psyche. Cupid was the son of Venus,
the Roman goddess of love. He typically is seen on Valentine's Day
cards and decorations, and is invoked as a god of pure love and
innocence -- a far cry from his original form.
Eros (Greek)
Although not specifically a god of love, Eros is often invoked as a god of lust and passion. This son of Aphrodite was a Greek god of lust and primal sexual desire. In fact, the word erotic
comes from his name. He is personified in all kinds of love and lust --
heterosexual and homosexual -- and was worshipped at the center of a
fertility cult that honored both Eros and Aphrodite together. During the
classical Roman period, Eros evolved into Cupid,
and became portrayed as the chubby cherub that still remains as a
popular image today. He is typically shown blindfolded -- because, after
all, love is blind -- and carrying a bow, with which he shot arrows at
his intended targets.
Frigga (Norse)
Frigga was the wife of the all-powerful Odin, and was considered a goddess of fertility and marriage within the Norse pantheon. Frigga is the only one besides Odin who is allowed to sit on his throne, Hlidskjalf,
and she is known in some Norse tales as the Queen of Heaven. Today,
many modern Norse Pagans honor Frigga as a goddess of both marriage and
Hathor (Egyptian)
As the wife of the Sun God, Ra,
Hathor is known in Egyptian legend as the patroness of wives. In most
classical depictions, she is portrayed either as a cow goddess, or with a
cow nearby -- it is her role as mother that is most often seen.
However, in later periods, she was associated with fertility, love and
Hera (Greek)
was the Greek goddess of marriage, and as the wife of Zeus, Hera was
the queen of all wives! Although Hera fell in love with Zeus (her
brother) immediately, he isn't often faithful to her, so Hera spends a
lot of time fighting off her husband's numerous lovers. Hera is centered
around the hearth and home, and focuses on family relationships.
Juno (Roman)
In ancient Rome, Juno was the goddess who watched over women and marriage. Although Juno's festival, the Matronalia, was actually celebrated in March, the month of June was named for her. It's a month for weddings and handfastings, so she is often honored at Litha,
the time of the summer solstice. During the Matronalia, women received
gifts from their husbands and daughters, and gave their female slaves
the day off work.
Parvati (Hindu)
Parvati was the consort of the Hindu god Shiva,
and is known as a goddess of love and devotion. She is one of many
forms of Shakti, the all-powerful female force in the universe. Her
union with Shiva taught him to embrace pleasure, and so in addition to
being a destroyer god, Shiva is also a patron of the arts and dance.
Parvati is an example of a female entity who has a profound effect on
the male in her life, for without her, Shiva would not have been
Venus (Roman)
The Roman equivalent of Aphrodite,
Venus was a goddess of love and beauty. Originally, she was associated
with gardens and fruitfulness, but later took on all the aspects of
Aphrodite from the Greek traditions. Similar to Aphrodite, Venus took a
number of lovers, both mortal and divine. Venus is nearly always
portrayed as young and lovely. The statue Aphrodite of Milos, better known as the Venus de Milo, depicts the goddess as classically beautiful, with womanly curves and a knowing smile.
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