Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Consecrate Your Magical Tools

In many Wiccan and Pagan traditions, magical tools are consecrated before use. This achieves a couple of things -- one, it purifies the item before it is used to interact with the Divine. Secondly, it removes any negative energies from the tool. This is particularly handy if you aren't sure of a tool's past history or who owned it before it came to you. This ritual is a simple one that can be used to consecrate any magical tools, clothing or jewelry, or even the altar itself. By offering the tool to the powers of the four elements, it is consecrated and blessed from all directions.
Difficulty: Average
Time Required: Varied

Here's How:

  1. You'll need a white candle, a cup of water, a small bowl of salt, and incense. Each corresponds to one of the cardinal elements and directions:
    • North/Earth: salt
    • East/Air: incense
    • South/Fire: candle
    • West/Water: water
  2. If your tradition requires you to cast a circle, do so now. Light the candle and the incense. Take the tool or other item you wish to consecrate in your hands, and face north. Pass it over the salt and say:
    Powers of the North,
    Guardians of the Earth,
    I consecrate this wand of willow (or knife of steel, amulet of crystal, etc)
    and charge it with your energies.
    I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.

  3. Now, turn to the east and, holding the tool in the smoke of the incense, say:
    Powers of the East,
    Guardians of the Air,
    I consecrate this wand of willow
    and charge it with your energies.
    I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.

  4. Next, face the south and pass the tool over the flame of the candle -- be careful if it's a flammable material like Tarot cards or a robe! -- and repeat the process, saying:
    Powers of the South,
    Guardians of Fire,
    I consecrate this wand of willow
    and charge it with your energies.
    I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.

  5. Finally, turn to the west, and pass your ritual tool over the cup of water. Say: Powers of the West,
    Guardians of Water,
    I consecrate this wand of willow [or knife of steel, amulet of crystal, etc]
    and charge it with your energies.
    I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.

  6. Face your altar, hold the wand (athame/chalice/amulet/whatever) to the sky, and say:
    I charge this wand in the name of Old Ones,
    the Ancients, the Sun and the Moon and the Stars.
    By the powers of the Earth, of Air, of Fire and of Water
    I banish the energies of any previous owners,
    and make it new and fresh.
    I consecrate this wand,
    and it is mine.

  7. Now you've not only consecrated the tool, you've claimed ownership. In many Wiccan traditions, it's considered a good idea to put the item to use immediately to bind the consecration and strengthen the energy of the tool. If you've consecrated a wand, athame, or chalice, you can use those in a ceremony to consecrate another tool. If you've consecrated something that is worn, such as an article of clothing (for example, a ritual robe) or a piece of jewelry, begin wearing it now.

What You Need

  • Incense
  • Salt
  • A candle, preferably white
  • A cup of water
  • The tool to be consecrated

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